EDID emulation is the process of assigning a virtual copy of the configuration file sent from a connected display to an output port of the GPU within a computer, otherwise known as emulating the output of a graphics card. Most of the larger Hippotizer servers include the EDID emulation feature and it is recommended in all applications of Hippotizer for the outputs to be emulated.
Emulation protects against unwanted changes to the output configuration of the server, whether this is caused via the changing of the output display or via an intermittent signal from one of the connected displays.
Nvidia EDID emulation
Opening Control Panel
Right click on the desktop and select ‘NVidia Control Panel’
Opening Topology
On the left hand side menu, select ‘System Topology’. This page provides an overview of the graphics cards and there connections. Click the ‘EDID’ link next to any of the ports on either of the GPU’s.
Exporting an EDID
An EDID file is required for emulation. An EDID file can be exported from any active connection. Select the port with the EDID you wish to export into a file. Then click the ‘Export EDID’ button. Choose the destination and name of the EDID file. The file type is a .txt file.
Loading an EDID (Emulation)
On the Load tab, click Browse and find the EDID file you wish to load (The file must be of the type .txt). With the file path selected, you can now select which ports you wish to emulate with this EDID. Set the video signal field to be the output cable type.
On the Unload tab, select the ports you wish to remove emulation from and then select ‘Unload EDID’. This may take up to a minute before the unit becomes responsive again
AMD EDID emulation
AMD Control Centre by right click on the computer’s desktop and selecting AMD Radeon Pro Settings.
Select the Display tab at the top.
Select the EDID Emulation tab.
Select the, three dots, menu icon next to the output you wish to emulate on.
Here you need to select the source of the EDID you are going emulate. This can be from a EDID file, or from an active connection to the graphics card. You will also need to confirm that the destination is correct and that the settings match the signal you are trying to emulate. For example, UHD@60Hz should have a bitrate of 5.4GHz.
Select Save in the top right.
Here you can see that the emulation has been applied exactly as set up in the previous steps.