Configuring networked Hippotizer hosts Configuring networked Hippotizer hosts

Configuring networked Hippotizer hosts

In order for Hippotizer Engines, or Hippotizer ZooKeepers to communicate over the network each instance is required to be listening on a network adapter within the same IP range as each other. Hippotizer servers network adapters will default to the HippoNet network adapter, using other hardware will have varying results.


Engine Host network settings

You can set the network adapter settings for a Hippotizer Engine in the 'Host Manager' settings. The currently selected network adapter is highlighted in green. If you wish to change the network adapter, select one of the adapter buttons in the left list and then the select the 'Set default Adapter' button. 

You can access the 'Host Manager' settings via the Windows notification bar in the bottom right of the desktop. Right click on the Hippotizer V4 icon and select 'Host Manager...'.


ZooKeeper network settings

You can set the network adapter settings for a Hippotizer ZooKeeper in the 'ZooKeeper' settings window. Access these settings by clicking the top right small cog from the home page of ZooKeeper. 


The currently selected network adapter is highlighted in green. If you wish to change the network adapter, select one of the adapter buttons in the left list and then select the 'Set default Adapter' button. 


Disabling network security

Often, when using non-Hippotizer software, Windows network security or 3rd party applications will block the communications between the local ZooKeeper and remote Engine Hosts. You may need to disable the Windows Defender and Windows firewall as well as any 3rd party apps. Hippotizer includes a script to disable both Windows Defender and Windows Firewall, this is found in the Advanced tab of the HippoLauncher application.