Hippotizer and SHAPE user manuals Hippotizer and SHAPE user manuals

Hippotizer and SHAPE user manuals

black-gradient-v4-72dpi.png Hippotizer online V4 manual

We strive to ensure this manual is an inclusive guide to all of Hippotizer’s features, though there inevitably will be places in the software that are not fully documented or are being used in a new way. For additional information, Green Hippo maintains a user forum, holds training sessions, webinars, operates telephone and email support, and benefits from a network of knowledgeable distributors and users world-wide: help is never far away.


shape-icon-06.png SHAPE online manual

The User Manual for Green Hippo’s SHAPE application; a complete 3D mapping toolset that integrates seamlessly with Hippotizer V4 media servers. This manual is designed to explain the methodology, work flow and structure of SHAPE, as well as shortcuts to make it all faster and easier.


PLAY_BG_usb3-01-e1566990110883.png PLAY quick start

Hippotizer Play is a free to use demonstration and pre-programming tool for Hippotizer V4 Media servers. Whether to learn a new function in the comfort of your own laptop, encode media or program a show with DMX and Visualiser; Play offers a host of opportunities for every level of Hippotizer user.

Register for your free PLAY license here


  Hippotizer V3 manual